Hummingbirds on the Bluff

There’s an interesting dichotomy on the bluff. At this time of year, the two most common birds flying around the property are the Bald Eagles and the Anna’s Hummingbirds. In appearance, behaviour and attitude, I don’t think you could find two birds who are more different. About the only thing they have in common is that they are both quite territorial and spend a considerable amount of time and energy arguing and fighting with other members of their own clan.

I find the hummingbirds especially entertaining. About every three days I put out a fresh batch of sugar water in my hummingbird feeder. These feisty neighbours love to come over for a drink or two. Usually, they are spaced out and there is no friction, but when there are two or more feeding at the same time, the aerial acrobatics begin, as one dive-bombs another. Although their angry chirps are barely audible, I get the distinct impression that there is some world-class cursing going on.

Fortunately, they don’t seem to be bothered by humans. The feeder is hanging off the eaves of the front porch of the Love Shack, which also serves as our make-shift work bench when we are building anything. Despite constant tromping around the porch, the buzzing of circular saws or the sound of an electric screw driver, the little fellas are unfazed as long as I keep their bar well stocked. I’m sure that when I’m wearing my yellow and green baseball hat, they just think that I’m a large particularly mobile (and inedible) flower.

And god forbid that I don’t replace the feeder in a timely fashion. I’ve learned it’s best to get the replacement feeder ready before the current one runs dry. Then it’s a quick and smooth transition. If I take the old one down and don’t replace it with a new one immediately, I start to see hummingbirds peering in through the solarium window or buzzing the kitchen area. I also get the distinct feeling that I’m being judged and found wanting.

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