A small flock of Snow Geese landed just in front of the cabin this morning. They arrived in the most beautiful linear formation, settling on the water with such grace they could have been performing a scene from Swan Lake. The honking, however, was loud, abrasive and carried clearly over the still water. It sort of reminded me of the noise at a fish market, everyone trying to yell over each other. The audio was strangely at odds with the beauty of the birds.
Unfortunately, the picture above doesn’t do justice to how much the white of their feathers flashed against the blue water in the morning sunlight. I wish I’d had my camera out in time, the sight of all these birds gliding in for landing would have been spectacular. This is a problem with which I constantly struggle. My phone is usually handy, but rather than grabbing it and taking a bunch of shots, I stare slack-jawed in amazement at whatever has caught my attention. I need to develop the reflexes of a photographer. Oh well, I can add that to the ever-growing list of “Things I Need to Improve Upon”.