The other afternoon, I came upon yet another breed of geese that were migrating North for the summer. They were hanging about the shoreline foraging in the sea grass. There was a large rock in front of them, so I was able to sneak up and get a fairly good photo before they all flew away. They were smaller than a Canadian Goose and had a completely different look to them. They also weren’t nearly as noisy.The white feathers at the base of their beak gives them a unique appearance and makes their beaks look bigger, as if they make up half their head. And their legs and feet are a vivid orange. Overall, quite a pretty bird.
Since I’d never seen this type before, I had to spend a few minutes googling to find out what they were called. These geese are the Greater White-Fronted Goose, not to be confused with the Lesser White-Fronted Goose. They are commony known as Specklebelly, which is self-evident if you look at the first picture above.