I have always primed my canvases with one colour or another before I get into the nitty gritty of the actual painting process. There is an advantage at working on a canvas that is no longer just a white sheet of nothingness and the background colour can also help to unify the painting.

Today, I’m trying something new. Using the remnants of my palette paint, left over from my last painting, I used white gesso as a base and introduced colour into the painting with a palette knife and then mix it together with a very large brush. Working the paint into the canvas in large circular strokes.

The results? A very dreamy, cloud-like canvas that has potential to go in many different directions. I also find that this process gives me a big creative blast – it’s fun, relaxing and fast. I don’t over-think the colour choices and the results are sometimes surprisingly rich. So far, I haven’t regretted any of the combinations.
This is also helping to inspire me as I work through the design elements of the painting. Since I have started turning any of these canvases into actual paintings, I’m not sure if the background will help or hinder. I love the uncertainty aspect of the creative process. At this point, it’s all potential.